Dec 21, 2019

Blog Updates and Plans for 2020

It’s no secret that Zero Caress has been pretty much dead for the latter half of 2019. Explaining the recent inactivity of my blog is a bit of a long story but the short version of it can pretty much be summed up in two words “I moved”.

Since about May of 2019 I began the long and arduous process of moving across the country. It started relatively stationary enough to be fair; I didn’t really leave my house until about the middle of October, but the time it took to pack all my belongings, clean and repair the house so it was in tip-top shape, and list it on the market for sale, was enormous. Between working and moving I had very little free time for myself. My writing naturally fell to the wayside during this entire endeavor and it shows.

Even after I moved things were still in limbo for quite some time. Starting up a new life in a new city was hard, and getting the new house cleaned, repaired, and in tip-top shape was an ordeal all of its own. And this has nothing on the horrors of bureaucracy and dealing with the bank which left my family fairly exhausted and not to mention homeless for some time in-between the sale of the old house and the purchase of the new house. Mooching off of relatives for a month is just not fun, I will tell you that.

By late November everything was finally settled and yet things only got worse from there. I had to organize family events, Thanksgiving happened, and then the Christmas holiday swept up everyone like it always does. It was crazy. There was very little time to myself and I even got sick somewhere in there which I account to the stress, really. It’s only now that December is entering its end that I feel I finally have a bit of breathing room and space back to myself. It is still a bit strange, and it’s hard to get back into the groove of things, but I am finally starting to feel at ease. So with that my blogging will start to resume again ever so slowly. I really would like to get some writing done for my own personal story I have been working on and there are a few end of the year blog posts I really hope to make. It will be a slow process but things are finally starting to come back.

Organizing all my gaming and anime collection has been both the highlight and hardest thing about this move. Without a basement I really do lack my old game room I used to have and storage is limited which means sadly a lot of my older games are now going to have to settle to live in storage in the garage for the time being. This puts a huge collection of PlayStation and PlayStation 2 games into storage and while I was super proud of those collection in paticular I decided to focus my small space on other consoles. Because of that I have managed to get a respectable level of display space in my room for my portable gaming collection and current generation titles which feels good enough for me now. Gone are the days I was able to flaunt some Limited Editions sets, but let’s be honest, those limited editions really were just huge space takers and dust magnets.

Anime fared a lot better and I feel I got a majority of them out. My DVD media shelf really grew into a nightmare all its own–and what I thought was enough space was not nearly enough. I wanted there to be room to grow for the DVD shelf but there wasn’t enough room period. I got a large majority of my favorites on display and seeing all my old Gundam DVDs out of storage really felt special. Alas Gundam and Dragon Ball pretty much destroyed any chance of reasonably displaying other DVD sets so it is what it is, I have to admit. For the time what I have is fine and the DVDs and Blu-rays no longer have to share the same storage space which is great.

Speaking of blu-rays I am really happy with what I got for them. There are still tons of room to grow my budding blu-ray collection and I was even able to get my Legend of the Galactic Heroes and Ushio & Tora sets out. Now the LotGH set was quite possibly one of the most stressful things I ever had to move in my entire life surely because of how fragile it is and how much it costs! There was no way I could let it be damaged and went above and beyond when I secured it for the move. Seeing it in perfect condition when I unboxed all my anime set me at ease like a long struggle was finally over.

The last little display piece I feel good about right now is my toy shelf, or perhaps more apt my amiibo shelf. It’s nice to have a lot of space to display my amiibo collection and I look forward to growing it in the future as well. I was also able to get some spots cleared at the very top for my model kits and I plan to grow that even more in the future too–I don’t have nearly enough Gundams!

In closing, I moved, it was tough, but things are finally starting to get comfortable again. There are a few projects I would like to tackle in the upcoming future for my blogging; a long overdo Bravely Second analysis is definitely one of them. It’s been something I planned ever since I did my original Bravely Default analysis and a lot of factors kept causing me to put it off. Now that we had a Bravely Default II announcement though I feel there is no better time than to get around to it. Look forward to that in 2020 and much more.